The Wordsworth Dictionary of the Occult артикул 3601d.
The Wordsworth Dictionary of the Occult артикул 3601d.

The Occult aims to modify the world and those who live in it by disciplines not recognised by modern science Its esoteric doctrines and their practitioners have fascinated mankind from earliest times, and `The Wordsworth Dictionary of the Occult` provides not only essential facts, but much more besides It covers the story and the nature of occultism, ожоуы details the great occult figures of the past - Bacon, Bohme, Hiram, Nostrodamus, Paracelsus and Swedenborg, as well as more modern practitioners such as Abellio, Crowley, Gurdjieff and Papus Examples of occult thought in literature from Balzac to Blake and Dennis Wheatley are given, as well as sections on Esoterism and Reality, Words, Divinations and Supports, and a useful Glossary Автор Андре Натаф Andre Nataf.  Редактор:Серия: Wordsworth Reference.